Student Associate / Student Fellow Application

ATI is seeking highly motivated UT students, both graduate and undergraduate, for exciting professional experiences that provide the opportunity to work with early-stage, rapidly growing companies in our portfolio. Internships are available focusing on our sustainability verticals as well as those supporting ATI overall on a variety of projects. Graduate and undergraduate students from all majors may apply.

ATI has numerous opportunities available for students in two categories:

  • Student Associates
  • Student Fellows

Student Associates are paid positions while Student Fellows are unpaid and may count towards class credit, internship requirements, or volunteer hours.

Please review the ATI Student Opportunities guide and then apply using this form.

First name*

Last name*







LinkedIn URL

UT EID (if any)

Current university, major and degree sought*

Highest degree completed*

ATI vertical that most interests you

Student position(s) sought (select all that apply)*

Student Fellow program (if any)

If you checked other program or class or independent study please specify the course or program (e.g., BA391)

Short professional bio and interests

Why are you interested in ATI?

Why should ATI be interested in you?

Upload your resume

File(s) size limit is 20MB.

Where did you hear about ATI?

Referred by

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